I would love to share my heart with you this month! The Lord does not have to do much to show you what you need. He only needs to open your eyes to show you what you donât have and then you easily see what you need. The Word tells us of ten virgins that had their lanterns and were waiting on the bridegroom. Five of them let their lanterns go empty and had to leave to go and buy more oil. While they were gone, the bridegroom came and only the five that were there got to go with Him. I believe that all ten wanted Him but only five really needed Him to the degree that they would have done whatever it took to be ready for Him.
The Word is what tells us how God moves and what moves God. From what I see, desperation moves God. I believe that we are entering a season where the Lord wants to birth signs, wonders, healings and miracles in this ministry but they will be birthed out of our desperation. Let me open your eyes. We have brothers and sisters in this ministry that have cancer, diabetes and asthma. We have children and family members that are on a path to hell, only to name a few reasons why we should already be desperate. Yet, I am praying for myself and all that are in both healing ministries that God would break our hearts for His people and put a cry of desperation in us for Him to move in the midst of us. Please join with me and take the time to reach God for those who need Him!
God Bless!
Larry Duncan